Newsletter Issue Ax Ali Newsletter Issue Ax Ali

Issue 24-002: Fearing the Sequel Flop, Building Pitch Decks, and a very well-designed kettle.

In this second issue of the 'Everything is Designed' newsletter, we delve deeper into the philosophy that 'everything is designed.' Whether you're a seasoned creator of tangible products or a thinker shaping intangible services, design plays a pivotal role in your daily life. We explore the art of crafting experiences and how intelligence guides creation. Join us as we navigate the intricate world of design, where aesthetics meet functionality. Don't miss our curated selection of YouTube clips that have helped us create a winning startup pitch deck. Plus, discover a well-designed product that excels in its core function. Dive into the fascinating world of design and startups with us.

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byAx Ax Ali byAx Ax Ali

Creating the Airforce 89

Step into my studio and take a closer look at the Airforce 89, a unique pair of Nike Court Legacy sneakers that I transformed into works of art through hand-customization. In this behind-the-scenes video, you can witness the process behind creating these one-of-a-kind sneakers, from the initial inspiration to the final product.

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byAx Ax Ali byAx Ax Ali Empowering Dreamers to Create Experiences that Work for Everyone is a creative venture that empowers anyone to make experiences that work for everyone. Their human-centered values, including empathy, curiosity, and the scientific method, guide their work in enhancing lives. Their team is constantly learning, growing, and evolving, and they're not afraid to rethink everything to create experiences that push boundaries and change lives. They believe in the power of flow state and creating an environment that allows them to do their best work. They offer a variety of ventures, including a boundary-pushing fashion line, books, digital creation tools, and creative workshops, to help dreamers turn their visions into reality.

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byAx Ax Ali byAx Ax Ali

The Design of Everyday Life

Everything is designed - from the tangible physical hardware and software we create as Makers, to the intangible sets of rules that guide behavior as Thinkers. We are all creating experiences, and it's easy to understand how we are all designing in whatever field we work in. On our blog, Everything is Designed, we explore the different ways we design experiences, and ways to apply design principles to everyday life.

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byAx Ax Ali byAx Ax Ali

Read this if you want people to love what you do

An experienced design is essential for creating meaningful experiences that provide value to your customers. From understanding their needs, abilities, values and preferences, to creating experiences that are tailored to their specific needs, this knowledge can help you design solutions that are both meaningful and beneficial to your target audience. Align your solution with your target demographic's values, offer them delightful experiences, and make sure you cater to their preferences, taste, and style. With these steps, you can ensure your solution is valuable and tailored to your users’ needs.

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