Crystalize your idea with the Clear Thinking Workshop. 

A learn by doing masterclass

Your brain will gain clarity after the clear thinking workshop

Is your idea ready to face reality?

What's obscuring your vision?

You have ambition and drive and the idea, but is it the right one? Do you have clarity on the actual problem you're solving and who you're solving it for? This ambiguity can dilute your efforts and impact. The Clear Thinking Workshop offers a transformative journey from ambiguity to insight. The workshop helps you identify your true audience, uncover their deepest needs, and align your vision with their desires.

Dr. Ax Ali formulated the Clear Thinking workshop to solve problems. With elements from design thinking, Amazon’s Working Backwards, and Ability-Based and Value-Sensitive design, and Dr. Ali’s own distributed interaction design methodologies, comes an approach to designing solutions to the problem keeping you up at night based on proven academic and widely-adopted industry methodologies.

You’ll walk away with clarity on…

The problem you’re solving
Cut through the noise and clearly articulate your problem and why you need to solve it.

How you’re going to solve it
Together we’ll design a crystal clear direction for you. You’ll feel ready to move forward, and lose that nagging feeling.

Who you’re solving it for and how you’ll help them
Know your users and meet their needs, values, abilities and preferences with your solution.

Dr. Ax Ali

With an insider's view of the world's leading tech companies and startups (including my own), coupled with a Ph.D. in Human-Computer Interaction, I've mastered the art and science of turning ideas into tangible experiences.

I’ve made a career out of breaking down complex problems and delivering impactful solutions. And I’ve done it from different angles—research, design, development and product management—giving me a unique advantage to help you realize what you desire.


and make your dreams a reality

Is your idea ready to face reality?